The Musiah Mission

woman in pink shirt playing piano keyboard with online piano lessons app on iPad

Our Mission – To Help You Learn To Play Piano

What Our Name Means
'Musiah' – our name, comes from what we do… MUSic Instruction At Home = M - U - S - I - A - H.

What we are about, what we stand for, is world-class music instruction in piano (the foundation of all musical instruments) in your own home when it suits you.

Just like a live piano teacher, but with a different delivery mechanism – Musiah is the ultimate Music Instruction At Home!

Why We Exist
At our core, we exist to bring the life-long gift of music to adults and kids all over the world – but more than this, the Musiah method is a deeply considered holistic approach to learning and self-development that empowers students to realize their true potential and to discover they can learn and master anything in life.

What We Believe
We believe that great teaching is less about teaching and more about offering guidance or pointers as needed. The aim is to empower students towards self learning and how this can be done more effectively. So ultimately, we believe that great teaching is about empowering you to teach yourself piano.

We believe only meaningful praise should be given. Praise given when it is not deserved is meaningless.

We believe students should be required to complete each piece to a reasonable standard before being allowed to advanced to the next piece. (This is very non standard in the world of online or software-based piano learning). In this way, students gain real skills and their progress is real.

How This Benefits You
Once you learn to play piano, it's a life-long gift that will always be with you and it can never be taken from you.

No other piano method has been so extensively tested in the real world and continually analyzed, re-worked and improved upon to bring you the unique approach to learning piano up to 16 times faster that only Musiah can offer.

And all this for a fraction of the cost of traditional piano lessons.



Special Offer: Learn Piano Free For 14 Days

We understand that by enrolling to learn piano online, you are placing your trust in us, and we sincerely want you to feel safe, supported and comfortable doing so.

This is why we offer you unlimited full access to Musiah – completely free for 14 days... so you can experience the very best way to learn piano at your own pace, in your own home.

We thank you for allowing us to take you on this very special life-changing journey – and warmly invite you to take the first step on your journey now with our 14 Day Free Trial.

Start a 14 Day Free Trial



Getting Started – What equipment do I need? 
MIDI Keyboard Requirements for Musiah
The 3 Different Kinds Of Keyboard Lessons


Online Piano lessons – Do They Work?
Piano Lessons For Adults
Piano Lessons For Kids
Piano Lessons For Beginners
Advanced Piano Lessons
Free Piano Lessons (on piano technique)
The Best Piano Method
The Best Piano Learning App
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