General Info

A collection of articles about online piano lessons with Musiah. View a demo video or learn about topics such as

Musiah Demo Video

Piano lessons revolutionised! In this video, A.I. piano lessons software – Musiah – is demonstrated by Brendan Hogan, Piano Teacher and Musiah Inventor. Learn to play piano and read sheet music up to 16 times faster than traditional lessons and in much more depth than with other online piano lessons.

What You Will Learn: A Complete Music Education | Musiah

This page describes what you will learn in your Musiah piano lessons – a complete music education covering note reading, scales, chords, playing technique, efficient practice, music theory, ear training, rhythm, memory training, and performance skills.

Why Musiah Is Better than other online piano lessons

This article explains the main differences between Musiah and other piano lessons online, and how Musiah overcomes the limitations of other lessons, making it the best piano lessons online.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Piano? How Is Musiah 16 Times Faster?

How long does it take to learn to play piano? Most articles on this topic will tell you it normally takes YEARS! A more interesting question is Why does it take so long to learn piano… and can Musiah piano lessons help accelerate this process?

Piano Lessons Software Vs Traditional Lessons – Which Is Better?

This page describes Musiah piano lessons software, compares it to other piano learning programs & traditional piano lessons, and explains what to look for when choosing a piano lessons app.

The Damage Caused By Online Piano Lessons And How To Avoid It

This article explains the damage caused by online piano lessons, how this affects students when they switch to a more credible piano lessons provider, and why Musiah’s online piano lessons are different.

How Musiah Trains You To Control Nerves When Playing Piano On Stage

There are so many benefits to online piano lessons with Musiah but one you may not know of is that Musiah is great for helping students to overcome stage fright and performance anxiety

Online Piano Game: Making piano lessons into a game | Musiah

Discover how Musiah, an online piano lessons game, keeps piano students of all ages (including adults) engaged and motivated to practice as they learn how to play the piano. The game mode (a.k.a. ‘story mode’) is an optional setting. Alternatively, ’pure mode’ is pure tuition without the animations / story content.

Are Piano / Keyboard Exams Necessary Or Beneficial?

Whether you are considering piano/keyboard exams for kids or adults in Australia, USA, UK or any other country around the world, this article sheds some interesting light on the true nature of these exams.

What Is The Process Of Preparing For A Piano Exam?

How do you prepare for a piano exam? You’ll need a good piano teacher to help you select usually three pieces from a list, learn the required scales and arpeggios from a list, and master any supplementary skills such as ear training exercises, rhythm tapping exercises, sight reading exercises & general knowledge.

The One True Virtual Piano Teacher

This article compares and explains the different kinds of virtual piano teacher and introduces Musiah which is the only true virtual piano teacher.

Affordable Piano Lessons Online For Adults, Kids, Beginners & Advanced

Compare the cost of traditional piano lessons with Musiah's much less expensive, more affordable online piano lessons for children and adults

Why Musiah As A Subscription Gives The Best Value Piano Lessons

In this article, Musiah Inventor Brendan Hogan shares his insights as to why it's better value and fairer to offer piano lessons online with Musiah — the world’s first Virtual Piano Teacher — on a subscription basis, as opposed to selling the software outright.

Are MIDI Piano Lessons Effective?

Occasionally you may come across comments online hypothesizing that piano lessons software like Musiah (that uses MIDI data to assess a student’s playing) cannot possibly effectively teach a student how to play piano properly… But Musiah’s A.I. logic and teaching techniques prove otherwise.

Learn Keyboard Fast With Musiah

Learn keyboard fast. Musiah's online piano/keyboard lessons help you learn piano up to 16 times faster than traditional piano / keyboard lessons.

Why Musiah Is Better Value Than Free Piano Lessons

If you were presented with a choice of a) a monthly subscription to Musiah at just $24.99 for up to 6 members of your household, or b) free piano lessons with a traditional private piano teacher, which option would you choose?

The Musiah Story – Learning Piano As A Character In A Story

In Musiah online piano lessons, by selecting optional 'story' mode, you can play as the central character in an adventure story set in the year 4015. The galaxy is under threat and only you can save it.

The Musiah Piano Method Defined – A Philosophy For Learning And Living

This article defines the Musiah Piano Method and explains how learning to play piano with the Musiah Piano Method liberates and empowers students to achieve their full potential by unlocking the ability that resides within all of us to excel at learning new things.

What Is A Real Piano Lesson? How To Tell Which Ones Are Worthwhile!

All piano lessons are not created equal. This article compares the different categories of piano lessons and examines what is a real piano lesson and what is not.

Discover the many great features of Musiah

Musiah's online piano lessons for kids/children and adults have a wealth of great features. Here are some of them...

Musiah – The Benefits for Students, Parents & Teachers

This page describes just some of the benefits of piano lessons online with Musiah – benefits for kids, adults and teachers.

Will Musiah Replace Human Piano Teachers With A.I. Piano Lessons?

Firstly, the question itself is fundamentally flawed because it is based on a misconception, namely that Musiah is non-human option. How can Musiah be a human option I hear you ask? He may be more human than you think.

Musiah Online Piano Lessons Study – Results Out Now

Can a piano lessons software app really outperform a human piano teacher? These published case study results say Yes.