
Contact Information

Business Name & ABN
Virtuoso Trust ABN 83 471 306 620

P.O. Box 160, Isle of Capri QLD 4217

Support Hours

Australia: Tue–Sat 8am–4pm EST (GMT+10)
USA/Canada West Coast: Mon–Fri 3pm–11pm PDT (GMT-7)
USA/Canada East Coast: Mon–Fri 6pm–2am EDT (GMT-4)

Phone Contact

In case you’re wondering why we don’t provide a phone number... this is because we can provide much clearer, more specific answers to your questions in writing. That said, we do sometimes call our customers in circumstances where a phone call is the best method of communication.

How To Get Help

Before you submit your inquiry, please check out our  FAQ page and / or our How To Videos page. If your question is not listed there or below, then please submit your inquiry.

Common FAQ's

1.   How do I cancel?
2.   How do I re-activate my subscription?
3.   What keyboard do you recommend?
4.   Why do some cards experience issues when signing up?
5.   Download issues
6.   Keyboard detection issues
7.   Keyboard latency (delay) / computer performance issues
8.   How to start my first lesson
9.   I'm stuck on the Play all 5 Cs question

Submit A Query