Online Piano Lessons For Kids With Musiah

Online piano lessons for kids – cheaper, more fun & more effective than a live teacher.

Musiah piano lessons for kids app on iPad with MIDI piano keyboard

Musiah online piano lessons for kids in action

Welcome! We're proud to introduce you to Musiah – a revolutionary new app bringing you the very best piano lessons for kids.

Musiah is the world's first A.I. piano teacher, and using the latest A.I. technology, he responds to your child's playing just like a live piano teacher and gently guides them every step of the way.

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Over 80,000 piano beginners have learned through the Musiah Method



At a glance... How Musiah Online Piano Lessons For Kids Stacks Up

  1. Musiah piano lessons for kids are fun
  2. It keeps kids engaged because it tells a story
  3. Kids can learn to play piano at their own pace
  4. With Musiah, kids learn songs in a variety of styles
  5. Musiah speaks to kids and gives essential feedback
  6. Teaches kids music theory as well as fun practical lessons
  7. Enables parents to become involved
  8. Musiah prepares kids for real-life performances
  9. Musiah piano lessons are very affordable
  10. Kids learn to play piano 16 times faster with Musiah than with traditional lessons

These points are explained in more detail further down, but first...


A personal note to all parents from Brendan Hogan — piano teacher and Musiah inventor

Brendan Hogan Musiah InventorBrendan Hogan Musiah InventorDear Parents,

Are you a Mum or Dad looking for online piano lessons for your kids?  If so, you have come to the right place.

When I think of my parents (and they were wonderful parents), I've always said that the greatest thing they ever did for me was starting me on piano lessons (and then subsequently not letting me give up).

The gift of music, and in particular learning to play piano, has enriched my life and changed it for the better in more ways than I can even begin to describe.

Learning music through piano lessons changes the way kids perceive things. They become more aware of the richness and beauty that is all around us. Piano lessons provide a unique form of mental training that helps kids become

This is why for more than 38 years (since my piano teaching career first began) my greatest passion in life has been bringing these benefits that only piano lessons can provide to students of all ages, especially children, and particularly kids from families who might not otherwise be able to access piano lessons for reasons of affordability or other circumstances.

The Musiah piano method has been taught to more than 80,000 students, and is not only the most efficient and fun way to learn to read sheet music and play the piano, it's a method that uses music as a means of empowering students by helping them discover that they can teach themselves anything they want to learn.

Online piano lessons for kids teacher – MusiahAnd now these highly innovative piano lessons are available for kids everywhere through this unique new software invention known as Musiah — the world's first A.I. (Artificially Intelligent) Piano Teacher.

And best of all — the lessons take place within the context of an optional game / adventure story set in the future, so it's great fun for kids.

Online piano lessons for kids teacher – Musiah

If Story Mode is chosen, this (image opposite) is what Musiah, your child's A.I. Piano Teacher will look like.

To learn more about Musiah piano lessons for kids, please continue reading below OR...

If you're ready to get started, take our Free 14 Day Trial.

And of course, if you have any questions for me personally, please feel free to contact me directly.

Thanks again for visiting,

Brendan Hogan L.Mus.A, A.Mus.A.
Piano Teacher & Musiah Inventor

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In Detail – How Musiah Online Piano Lessons For Kids Stacks Up

Musiah is the perfect piano lessons for kids because:

1. Musiah Piano Lessons Are Fun

Musiah online piano lessons for kids are great fun because the lessons come as an interactive game. The program includes a cast of interesting, funny, and literally colorful characters that talk with and respond to your child as your child learns how to play the piano.

As well as vivid characters and clever animations, the syllabus includes tunes your child will recognise and want to learn how to play.

And Musiah includes “games within a game”, such as note-reading games, symbol matching games, quizzes, and performance challenges.

Parents and kids themselves are saying Musiah online piano lessons for kids are fun (see blog article and further comments below):

Click the image below to view a Musiah Review by a blogger mom who shares her and her son's experience of Musiah piano lessons.

External blog reviews Musiah piano lessons

Read full blog article


“Before Musiah, my 10 year-old daughter would lose interest in playing keyboard, very quickly. Within the first session [with Musiah], she was hooked, getting excited when she passed her first ‘audition’. Musiah made it a fun way of learning, to the point of being asked at every waking moment if she could do Musiah. Also, because the lessons are ‘tutored’, there is no cat screeches of wrong notes, or boring repetitive ‘c’, ‘c’, ‘c’ as my parents endured :) Now she has the confidence, she wants to continue learning keyboard. Thank you Musiah!”

Kerry B, Laverton, Melbourne


happy child at piano keyboard“My name is Savannah and I am 7 years old. Musiah is really fun and I like the characters in the story, especially the green girl alien! I think it's funny when Musiah scratches his head when I get the notes wrong but he helps me until I get it right… My favourite song I have learned to play so far is 'Hot Cross Buns' but one day I want to learn how to play 'Jingle Bells' too.”

Savannah M (age 7), Caboolture, Brisbane


John Foreman

And John Foreman, the famous musical maestro, agrees:

“I think it is quite liberating because the whole world of music can be a bit of a mystery to people. Musiah kind of demystifies it in a way that is very accessible and lots of fun.”


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2. Musiah Keeps Kids Engaged Because It Tells A Story

Characters from The Musiah Story

Humans, children especially, have always liked stories. It’s part of the human condition and one of the most powerful learning tools we have. And Musiah online piano lessons for kids is one big story.

The Musiah Story is set in the year 4015. The legendary musician and renowned piano teacher Musiah Anthemius Felc takes your child on an outer-space adventure.

Your child (the student) is one of the few surviving humans and with the galaxy under threat from a race of invading machines known as the Atonals, he or she must save the galaxy from imminent destruction.


Together with the other characters, your child is on a quest to help Musiah save the galaxy by unlocking The Lost Song which is hidden in an ancient musical textbook.

As well as the story component of the course, Musiah online piano lessons have other great incentives to keep kids engaged. For example, your child has to complete each piece of music to a high standard to collect gold stars which are required to unlock a performance challenge at the end of each level. By completing the performance challenges, your child will receive pieces of a clavitrisk (a special key) that will ultimately unlock The Lost Song and save the galaxy. Throughout the game, your child is promoted to a higher rank at the end of each level, the ultimate rank being that of Musiah. By unlocking The Lost Song, your child will become the next “Musiah” and reveal a profound mystery that will enable them to repel the Atonals and save the galaxy…

So Musiah online piano lessons are a serious tool for learning piano, but your child will want to keep learning partly because they'll love learning to play piano but also because they will want to find out what happens next.

Here's what kids are saying about their piano lessons with Musiah:

Scene from The Musiah Story in which Musiah performs on stage-----------------------------------------------

“I like playing new songs and l like the challenges which makes me want to work harder to earn more stars. Musiah is a fun learning experience and I love all the colourful animations. I will definitely recommend this to all my friends and relatives.”

Isabella P (age 12), Ferny Hills, Brisbane


“I thought it was lots of fun but also very challenging. I would like to carry on with the other levels to see what happens in the story.”

Ciaran B (age 11), Albany, Perth


John Foreman, pianist and musical director of some famous television shows, agrees:

“Musiah [online piano lessons software] is going to open a whole of doors for young people who are interested in music but who might not necessarily have the patience to sit down and practice half an hour every day… Practicing music used to be a bit of a chore but with this program… kids are going to be coming back to the keyboard and coming back to the computer [or ipad] because they want to get to the next level.”

Learn more about The Musiah Story

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3. Kids Can Learn To Play Piano At Their own Pace

Every kid is different, and each kid learns piano at a different pace. These days, kids, as with adults, cannot always fit into a fixed schedule. Traditional piano lessons take place at a set time, once a week.

By contrast, Musiah online piano lessons for kids are flexible: your child can learn piano whenever the mood takes them, day or night, at a time that suits both parent and child. And your child can learn and practice piano as intensively or as relaxed as they like with no pressure.


Musiah allows my children to learn at their own pace whenever they choose to go on, day or night. I am recommending Musiah to all my friends and relatives, that's for sure!”

Maria P, Ferny Hills, Brisbane


"I have been learning with a teacher once a week now, but Musiah is fun and I can do this at home in my own time. I am getting so good now, I have even played some songs for my family, including Jingle Bells at Christmas. Thank you Musiah, I can't wait to learn more."

Gypsy B (age 10), Laverton, Melbourne


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4. With Musiah Online Piano Lessons, Kids Learn Pieces In A Variety Of Styles

One of the great things about Musiah online piano lessons for kids, is that there is so much variety from one song to the next. No two pieces are ever alike.

There are well known kids tunes such as Hot Cross Buns, Big Ben, Frere Jacques, and countless pieces for students of all ages in classical, folk, blues, rock and contemporary styles.

Here are some sample videos to demonstrate the variety of styles  kids will learn:

Watch Michael age 13 from Fullerton CA playing The Rakes Of Mallow

What is truly impressive is Michael learned to play this piece (Piano Lesson #61) at 4½ weeks

Watch Elizabeth age 9 from Ferny Hills, Brisbane playing Big Ben

As a 9 year old, Elizabeth achieved a great result during a 10 week Musiah Online Piano Lesson Study, learning 19 pieces with Musiah — that's 6.4 times faster than an average 9-10 year old learning the same pieces with a traditional piano teacher.

Watch Joshua age 5 from Fullerton CA, United States playing Indian Dance

Remarkably, Joshua — at 9 years of age — learned to play this piece (Piano Lesson #20) at 4 weeks.

View video of Savannah, age 7 from Caboolture, Brisbane playing Mary Had A Leg Of Lamb

Savannah, who took part in the Musiah Online Piano Lesson Study, was one of the first students to experience Musiah online piano lessons for kids.

As a 7 year old, she achieved an impressive result, learning 17 pieces during the 10 week study — that's 8.6 times faster than an average 7-8 year old learning the same pieces with a traditional piano teacher.

View more student videos 

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5. Musiah Speaks To Kids And Gives Essential Feedback

Unlike anything else, using the latest A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) technology, Musiah speaks to your child just like a live teacher sitting next to them, and guides them every step of the way.

Like a live teacher, he not only points out mistakes, such as

he can also prioritize which issues to address and in what order, which means that the feedback your child receives is very natural and life-like.

But unlike a live teacher, Musiah has infinite patience and is always calm.

He never becomes frustrated and is completely non-judgmental no matter how many mistakes you make. So your child will always feel comfortable, supported and encouraged, and need never feel shy or embarrassed about making mistakes (as they might in front of a live teacher).

Musiah also provides progress reports that can be emailed to you and your child weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.

And for the ultimate feedback, your child can send a video of their piano playing to Musiah who will email them personally with encouraging feedback and suggestions for improvement.


6. Musiah Piano Lessons Teach Kids Music Theory As Well As Fun Practical Lessons

Musiah app screenshot showing Musiah teaching theory to characters on screenOne of the great things about Musiah online piano lessons for kids is that music theory / learning to read sheet music and practical lessons are integrated into one seamless holistic lesson, so there are no lengthy boring explanations.

Instead, during practical lessons, kids are ‘drip-fed’ music theory, general knowledge and note-reading techniques almost imperceptibly, so they are learning these things while continually being engaged and actively participating in the lessons.

Piano Lessons Revision GamesAnd from time to time, when Musiah does focus purely on theory / note-reading, this is done through interactive games which are not only fun, they are also a highly efficient way to learn.

Musiah online piano lessons teach kids how to read sheet music using what we believe is the very best piano method. This method includes innovative and ingenious refinements to the traditional method for learning piano (as opposed to learning piano by ear or by using solfa names). The theory behind Musiah piano lessons for kids has been developed and refined over nearly 40 years.

As one parent wrote recently:


"The real eye-opener is how badly my daughter has been taught rhythm at her primary school — a veritably scandalous lack of timing! For the first lesson I actually had to waltz with her around the living room to get her body to understand the rhythm. I thought all music teachers accepted that rhythm is truly essential. A hard but very good day! Many thanks!"

Graham L, Dunlop, Canberra


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7. Musiah Online Piano Lessons Enable Parents To Become Involved

When taking online piano lessons with Musiah, your kids will achieve more and get the most out of their lessons if you, as a parent, become involved. Musiah online piano lessons for kids enable you to become involved either as an encouraging observer or, even better, a participant. When you subscribe your child to Musiah, you can learn as well for no extra cost. In fact, up to 6 family members can learn to play piano for the one low price.

Enabling and encouraging parents to become involved like this is a feature that particularly excites professional pianist and music education advocate John Foreman:


“There is always going to be a high level of engagement from the kid if there’s a parent sitting with them encouraging them and helping them. If they are able to practice and learn… they will be able to help the kids with their music lessons as well. There are going to be a lot of adults who are enjoying the process of learning music as well as the kids.”


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8. Musiah Piano Lessons Prepare Kids For Real-life Performances

Musiah piano lessons app screenshot showing virtual performanceMusiah online piano lessons for kids are great for helping children prepare for real-life performances. At the end of each of the 13 levels of the course, there’s a piano performance challenge. These virtual piano performance challenges teach your child to become accustomed to preparing for real performances, piano exams, and other similar deadlines, as well actually playing piano on stage in front of an audience.

Musiah app screenshot showing performance in nite clubMusiah performance challenges will help your child to manage issues that every performer experiences — performance anxiety, nerves, and stage fright.

Your child can fail Musiah virtual performance challenges without any real-life consequences such as embarrassment, shame, and self-doubt. Musiah online piano lessons for kids remove the pressure of performing and let your child go through the experience as many times as needed until they are comfortable enough to control their thoughts and emotions.

As one student recently wrote:


“I'd been dreading the performance and feel much more comfortable now about continuing the course [knowing that there are more piano performance challenges to come].”

Lyn L, New Haven, Sydney


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9. Musiah Piano Lessons Are Very Affordable

dart pinning dollar note to targetdart pinning dollar note to targetTraditional piano lessons can cost $30-40 per half hour per student per week — a dollar-a-minute (sometimes more). Add to that the time and cost of getting to and from your child’s piano lessons and it’s little wonder many parents these days cannot afford traditional piano lessons.

By contrast, Musiah online piano lessons for kids are very affordable (click here for lesson prices).

For the one low monthly or annual subscription, your child can have as many hours of piano lessons as they want – for a fraction of the cost of traditional piano lessons.

Plus... on a family plan, up to 6 family members can all have piano lessons with Musiah on the same subscription. (Other sites charge for each student).

Additionally, all pieces in the Musiah online piano lessons are included when you subscribe, so there are significant savings compared to the costs of sheet music normally associated with traditional piano lessons, not to mention benefits to the environment that come from not needing printed sheet music.

And when you enroll your kids in Musiah online piano lessons, there are no fixed-term contracts. You’re not locked in for any set period. You can cancel (and / or re-activate) your subscription whenever you like.

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10. Kids Learn To Play Piano 16 Times Faster With Musiah

cover of published Musiah piano lessons for kids case study cover of published Musiah piano lessons for kids case studyAs a parent, you'll want to make sure your that the piano lessons your kids are receiving are teaching them effectively, because when kids progress quickly, they feel good about themselves and they feel excited and encouraged by the results they are achieving.

With Musiah online piano lessons, kids generally learn to read sheet music and play the piano up to 16 times faster than through traditional lessons.

How do we know?

Because, in an initial Online Piano Lessons Study, students learning piano with Musiah were proven to learn piano on average 5-8 times faster in their first few weeks of lessons than students learning the same syllabus through traditional piano lessons — with some students learning up to 10 times faster — and they had a lot more fun.

Since the above study, the latest research reveals that students taking Musiah online piano lessons over a longer period of time actually learn up to 16 times faster.

Don’t delay. Musiah online piano lessons really are the best piano lessons for kids online or offline, and you and your kids can be experiencing the joy of learning to play piano within minutes.

Simply take our Free Online Piano Lessons For Kids 14 Day Trial and see for yourself.

There’s no risk — just the life-long gift of music to gain.

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My Qualifications As A Piano Lessons Expert

Brendan Hogan Musiah Inventor Purple BkgrndBrendan Hogan Musiah Inventor Purple BkgrndFor more than 38 years, I’ve taught piano lessons, organ lessons, and keyboard lessons privately and in schools and have spent thousands of hours observing and coaching hundreds of teachers in the specialized art of delivering group piano lessons. I have the AMEB qualification of Associate in Music Australia (A.Mus.A) and Licentiate in Music Australia (L.Mus.A).

My own piano teaching career started at the age of 11, giving me the opportunity to develop and refine my own piano lessons method over many years.

I began playing the piano at age 7 and was the last student to study piano with internationally renowned piano teacher Dr JJ O’Reilly before continuing at the Royal Irish Academy of Music with Chopin piano specialist Professor Anthony Glavin.

I’ve composed music from the age of 12. I was 17 when my first orchestral work was performed by Ireland’s National Orchestra, making me the youngest Irish composer ever to have an orchestral work performed at the National Concert Hall in Dublin.

I wrote my first piano concerto at 18 while teaching music to Year 10 students.

Since relocating from Ireland to Australia in 1988, I’ve had a career working as a composer for television and songs for established artists, including “Walk Away”, which Wendy Matthews performed on the steps of the Sydney Opera House.

Since early 2008, I have channeled my passion for teaching piano into developing Musiah popular online piano lessons. Musiah is the world’s first truly artificially intelligent piano teacher.

Read my full bio


What John Foreman Says About Musiah Online Piano Lessons For Kids

John Foreman – celebrity pianist John Foreman – celebrity pianistHere’s what John Foreman, Musical Director of Australian Idol 2003–2008 and now Musical Director of Young Talent Time, says about Musiah Online Piano Lessons.

“[With Musiah online piano lessons], you will be able to achieve in weeks or months what might normally takes years to do.”

“I think Musiah is fantastic... It is going to revolutionize the way people learn music. From what I have seen, Musiah is absolutely the best value, the most convenient and the most fun way to learn piano.”

“There are going to be a lot of adults who are enjoying the process of learning music through Musiah as well as the kids. I think it is going to have a profound effect on the way music is studied.”

“[Musiah online piano lessons] are going to open a whole of doors for young people who are interested in music but who might not necessarily have the patience to sit down and practice half an hour every day… Practicing music used to be a bit of a chore but with this program… kids are going to be coming back to the keyboard and coming back to the computer or iPad because they want to get to the next level.”

“For adults… I think sometimes we get shy about performing in front of people… For those people… you can practice in the privacy of your own home and get to a certain level before you surprise everybody with your skills.”

Watch Musiah Review by John Foreman Celebrity Music Maestro

Watch John Foreman playing The William Tell Overture by Rossini (arranged by Brendan Hogan)

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Real-Life Success Stories With Musiah Online Piano Lessons For Kids

Thousands of kids are learning to play piano with Musiah popular online piano lessons. Here are just some of Musiah success stories.

"I would recommend Musiah to any parent who wishes to introduce their child to learning the piano"

Linda MLearning to play the piano with the help of the Musiah program has been an eye opening experience not just for my daughter but for me as well. Musiah has helped her to develop a deeper awareness and appreciation of music and we have both enjoyed her moments of success when she achieves the required progression on each level. The characters are likeable and the graphics are interactive and stylised in such a way that makes it very appealing for today's computer savvy children. My daughter is only 7 and has come a long way in such a short time (when compared with traditional lessons given by a music teacher) and we love how she can sit down to her lesson at any time from the comfort of home which makes it incredibly convenient for all of us. I would recommend Musiah to any parent who wishes to introduce their child to learning the piano.

Linda M (parent) - Caboolture, Brisbane

"Musiah is a fun learning experience and I love all the colourful animations"

Comment from a Musiah student...

isabellaI like playing new songs and l like the challenges which makes me want to work harder to earn more stars. Musiah is a fun learning experience and I love all the colourful animations. I will definitely recommend this to all my friends and relatives.

Isabella P (age 12) - Ferny Hills, Brisbane

"How much of a positive impact this has had on both my daughters... Their progress and enthusiasm has truly been amazing"

I will definitely write up a review when I can find the words to describe how much of a positive impact this has had on both my daughters. Their progress and enthusiasm has truly been amazing. We require them to spend at least 20 minutes a day except for Fridays, but lately they have been asking if they can do more! We have a piano upstairs and I am amazed when they sit down and play. They have even opened a beginner’s book and sight read pieces fairly accurately on the piano. When you consider they knew nothing 6 months ago, their progress under Musiah’s watchful tutelage is truly impressive.  Keep up the good work! When I find the time, I am going to continue my lessons. By that time, my girls will be able to help me!

Danny L - Marietta, Georgia, United States

"Musiah has been a great tool in teaching my four children the piano keyboard"

Musiah has been a great tool in teaching my four children the piano keyboard without the aid of a human Music Teacher. I like the idea of keeping my children focused in learning the piano by the use of vivid colour and animations during their learning process. Musiah allows my children to learn at their own pace whenever they choose to go on, day or night. I am recommending Musiah to all my friends and relatives, that's for sure!

Maria P - Ferny Hills, Brisbane

"Musiah is very convenient and affordable, and covers all aspects of music"

We were so glad to hear about Musiah when it was released. My children went to piano lessons for nearly five years using the Suzuki method, and although they loved the teacher, I'm afraid they still knew very little about reading music and couldn't identify most of the notes. We knew it was time for a change, and Musiah is very convenient and affordable, and covers all aspects of music. Thanks again for a great product, Tania.

Tania C - Langhorne Creek, Adelaide

Read more Musiah Testimonials

Read more Musiah Reviews by parents



If you're still reading, you obviously have a strong interest in Musiah online piano lessons for kids, so I urge you to take the next step and sign-up for our Free Online Piano Lessons For Kids 14 Day Trial.

You can cancel any time within 14 days and you will not be charged, so there is no risk.

And who knows, this could well be the first step to discovering your child's inner musical talent and the beginning of a beautiful journey that see them gradually become an accomplished pianist, all in the comfort of your own home, when it suits you.

For more information about Musiah piano lessons for kids, please browse around the site or check out the links below. Our videos, FAQ's and blog articles are also a great source of information.

And of course, if you have any questions for me personally, please feel free to contact me directly.

Thanks again for visiting,

Brendan Hogan L.Mus.A, A.Mus.A.
Piano Teacher & Musiah Inventor

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Piano Lessons Or Keyboard Lessons – What's the difference?
Weighted Keys Vs Unweighted Keys
Getting Started – What equipment do I need?
MIDI Keyboard Requirements for Musiah
The 3 Different Kinds Of Keyboard Lessons


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